Sunday, August 21, 2011

GITA : - Glorification of Chapter Thirteen

After reciting the Glories of Twelfth chapter Lord Shiva then invited Parvati to enjoy hearing the glories of the thirteenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita.... 

Once in Hari-hara-pura, a town where the deity of Lord Shiva (Hari-hara) is worshiped, there lived a brahmana named Hari-dikshita. He was learned and led a simple austere life. His wife, however, was called by people Durachara (“Bad Behavior”) because of her low-class activities. She was addicted to intoxicants. She always spoke to her husband in abusive language and had never slept with him. Moreover, she kept the company of other men to satisfy her desires, and she had constructed a small hut in the forest to meet with lovers.

One night she went to this hut because she wanted a lover to satisfy her. But no one was present, so she wandered in the forest hoping to find someone. Then, agitated and frustrated, she sat down and cried. Hearing her sobbing, a hungry tiger ran in her direction. She heard someone coming and thought it was someone who would satisfy her lust. Suddenly the tiger appeared, about to rip her apart. The woman said, “Why have you come here to kill me? First tell me this, and then you may kill me.”

Gita mahatmyaThe tiger laughed and told a story: “Previously I was born in a brahmana’s family. Still, I was greedy and had no control over my senses. I used to sit on the riverbanks and perform sacrifices for persons unqualified to take part in them. I also accepted food from materialistic persons, and for my sense gratification I collected more funds than necessary, and under false pretenses. I would criticize brahmanas who strictly followed regulative principles, and I would never give charity to anyone. Even when I became old and weak, I collected and hoarded funds.

Gita mahatmyaOne day some cruel brahmanas set some dogs upon me, one of which bit my leg. I fell over and quickly died. After that, I attained this body of a tiger? but I was able lo remember my former birth. Therefore in this birth I do not attack any devotees, renunciants or chaste ladies. I eat only sinful persons and unchaste women. Since you are the most unchaste and sinful woman, you will definitely become my meal.”

After being devoured by the tiger, the woman was taken by the
  to the hell known as Puyoda, a lake full of stool, urine and blood. She had to stay there for ten million kalpas (one kalpa is 4,320,000,000 years). Later she was thrown into the hell known as Raurava, where she remained for one hundred manvantaras (one manvantaras equals 306,720,000 years). Finally she took birth again on earth, this time as a female candala (dog-eater). Then she continued her sinful way of life, and consequently she contracted serious diseases.
By good fortune, however, she went to the holy place Hari-hara-pura, where she had once lived, and there she heard the great saint Vasudeva recite the thirteenth chapter of the Bhagavad-gita. She became attracted and wanted to hear it again and again, and by that hearing she became completely free from the reactions of her past sinful activities, attained a four-armed form, and was taken to
Sources : ISKCON

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