Friday, December 24, 2010

GITA - Glorification of Chapter Three

Lord Vishnu then recited the glories of the third chapter of the 
 by narrating the story of Jada. Jada was a brahmana who had wasted his wealth in gambling, drinking, hunting, and visiting prostitutes. Once, after going on a business trip, he earned a lot of money and then decided to return home. On his way, Jada stopped for a night in a deserted place. Robbers there plundered his wealth and murdered him. And because of his sinful life, Jada attained the body of a ghost.
Jada’s son, in spite of his father, was religious and learned in the Vedic scriptures. When the father remained absent for a long time, the son decided to search for him. Wherever the son went, he inquired about his father. One day the son met a man who told him what had happened.
Gita mahatmyaJada’s son started at once for Gaya to worship Lord Vishnu, to release his father from ghostly life. One evening on the way to Gaya, the son happened to perform his daily worship of Lord Krishna under the same tree where his father had been killed. As the son recited the third chapter ofBhagavad-gita loud sound came from the sky. He looked up and saw his father changed into a most beautiful being, his body the color of a dark rain-cloud. He was four-armed, he was dressed in yellow cloth, and his bodily effulgence lit up all directions.
The father said, “My dear son, because you recited the third chapter of Bhagavad-gita, you freed me from a ghostly form. Now you should return home. The purpose of your going to Gaya has already been achieved. Then the father asked the son to liberate a brother and some ancestors who had also led sinful lives and were suffering in hell. The son said he would recite the third chapter of Bhagavad-gita until the time all the souls trapped in hell were freed.
Then an airplane arrived from 
 the spiritual world, and transported the father to the supreme destination. The son returned home and began reciting daily the third chapter in front of a Deity of Lord Krishna. As the recitations continued, Lord Vishnu sent His messengers, the Vishnudutas, to the kingdom of Yamaraja, who punishes the sinful. The Vishnudutas told Yamaraja that Lord Vishnu wished him well and had ordered him to free the conditioned souls suffering in hell. Yamaraja at once had all the souls released.

Then Yamaraja went to 
 to see Lord Vishnu. Yamaraja found the Lord lying on His serpent bed, Ananta Shesha, while Lakshmi-devi massaged His feet. His spiritual body had the effulgence of many suns, and demigods and sages surrounded Him and sang His praises. 
With folded hands Yamaraja offered obeisances and prayers lo Lord Vishnu: “My dear Lord Vishnu, You are the well-wisher of all the conditioned souls, and there is no limit to Your glories. From You the Vedas have come. You are time and the cause of time. You are the cause and the maintainer of the three worlds, and You will destroy all things. You are the 
directing everyone’s activities. You are the guru of the universe and the goal of devotees. O lotus-eyed one, please accept my obeisances again and again.”
After praying Yamaraja asked the Lord for instructions. In a voice as deep as thunder and sweet as nectar, Lord Vishnu replied, “My dear Yamaraja, I need not instruct you on your duty. Kindly return to your abode and in the future continue your duty with My full blessings.” Thereafter Jada’s son was taken to the abode of Lord Vishnu, where he eternally engaged in the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
source: folknet

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