Thursday, December 23, 2010

GITA - Glorification of Chapter Two

Gita mahatmyaLord Vishnu continued His glorification of the Bhagavad-gita   
“Please listen carefully Lakshmidevi,  as I tell you the glories of the Second Chapter.” Once a learned brahmana named Devasharma satisfied the demigods. But he remained unhappy because he desired to know the Absolute Truth. Out of his strong desire for such knowledge Devasharma spoke with many sages and rendered service to them. One day he met a meditating Yogi who was peaceful and devoid of material desires. The yogi who had complete knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, advised Devasharma to meet Mitravan a goatherd in Asau-pura, and take instruction from him in the science of God realization.
Hearing this Devasharma offered respectful obeisances to the yogi and left to find Mitravan. When Devasharma arrived in Asau-pura, he found Mitravan in a beautiful forest, beside a small river, sealed atop some rocks. Mitravan looked peaceful, and his goats moved here and there fearlessly. Some goats even sat next to tigers and other ferocious animals. Devasharma also became peaceful, and he approached Mitravan to inquire about devotion to Lord Krishna.
Mitravan narrated the following story: “My dear Devasharma, once when I was in this forest herding goats by the bank of this river, a tiger attacked. After the goats ran away and so did I. From a distance I saw one goat being chased by the tiger. But suddenly a strange wonderful thing happened: the tiger lost its anger and no longer desired to eat the goat.” Mitravan described that both the tiger and goat were confused by this sudden peacefulness and so they approached him to ask what had happened. Mitravan in turn, inquired from a monkey who told him the story of Sukama, a learned sage.
Sukama had once pleased another sage by feeding him sumptuously and speaking pleasant words. The pleased sage gave Sukama the second chapter of the Bhagavad-gita written on stone. The sage left after giving Sukama an instruction to recite this chapter daily. Because Sukama followed this instruction, he quickly attained complete knowledge of Lord Krishna. And because of his devoted austerities, performed at the very place where Mitravan and the monkey were standing, anyone who came there no longer fell the pangs of hunger and thirst and at once attained complete peace.
Thereafter Mitravan told Devasharma that he and the tiger and goat hadGita mahatmya later found the stone in a temple and had begun reciting the second chapter of the Bhagavad-gita daily. In this way they had quickly attained devotion to Lord Krishna. Devasharma decided to carefully follow Mitravan’s example, and thereafter, in the village where Devasharma lived, visitors would recite with him the second chapter of the Bhagavad-gita. In this way Devasharma attained the mercy and the lotus feet of Lord Krishna.
source : folknet

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